Friday, August 20, 2010

Another late night

Just went running now inside for some Castlevania. Gonna watch the movie Hot Rod in a bit. Feel another sleepless night coming on. It happens I guess.

If I were to tell you I was thinking of developing a career as a public speaker what would you tell me? Probably that there is no such career. Public speaking is just a side portion of another career. Namely you write a book, or you develop a consulting firm, or you stand on a soap box in the middle of the park because your crazy. I'm pretty sure I'm the last one.

My sister once told me something that has stuck in my gut for a while now. I told her I was thinking of going back to school for a second degree in a different field. She told me that this was just another "one of my little things" that I do. I come up with something off the wall and never follow it through. Not very well at any rate she added. My best bet would be keep working and settle in for the long haul where I currently am. Or try out a career in HR. She was so drunk she couldn't even remember she said it five minutes later. To say that stung a bit is an understatement.

It made me think. You know those incidents in life where you look back and wonder if everything you knew is wrong. Where you look at your friends and wonder what they think of you. Well, this was one of them.

What impression do you give to the people around you? To the people close to you? Do they look at you and think your gonna be somebody someday? Or, is it your like a child building a sky scraper out of legos. "Well he thinks its like the real thing." My manager told me the other day out of the thousands of sales reps in this company I'm number two. I could be number one, I just had to develop my leadership skills. "Lead by example" he said. I wonder if I'm even capable of that.

How do you fix something you've done your entire life. Can you even go to school for that?

Like I said, its going to be a late night.

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