Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dead Rising

So I've started playing the dead rising case zero. VG cats once said "decency went out the window the second I found the lawnmower." For me, my decency was gone the second I found something to hit zombies with. I believe that object was a chair. So far, the game/demo is a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to the actual game. I am both concerned and excited about the game.

One of the major elements of the game was the time limit on when certain events could be completed.You have a watch with which to track the time of day, and at certain times events will occur. Most of these events revolve around survivors showing up and you going to rescue them. I never really cared for this in the last game for it was way too rigid of a system. Bad as it was trying to get a person from point A to point B try doing that through a legion of zombies. Add that that events will take place in your actual safe zone that you need to deal with and it took the fun out of the game.

I had an awful time rescuing the survivors as well. When taking them, back to the safe zones zombies will of course swamp them trying to feast on their internal organs. As they are mostly inept, they will need your assistance to rescue them. When there surrounded by zombies though its very hard to control your swings when you have hack madly at the hoard to get through them. I had to have cut my own companions in half about %50 of the time. This never stopped throughout the game either.

Enter left for dead case zero. Same time mission system but vastly improved. Survivors take a fraction of the damage you deal to them. Hack away madly they'll be fine. There is also a lot more room to run around in, so you won't necessarily have to lead them through the most congested points anymore. Also, events off the main story line revolve around the survivors. While you don't have to rescue them to progress, you can kill two birds with one stone so to speak. For example, you have to assemble parts of a bike together in order to escape the town. The parts are in the hands of the various survivors around the town. By locating and rescuing people, you are in fact coming closer tto the end of the game. This system is a much better system to manage as I personally do not feel like I'm having to jump off of the main path in order to save these annoying people.

I'm still working on the combo system. My specialty is a bat with nails tapped to them, but I also enjoy the rake/battery combo. Electrifying a zombie knocking him back ten feet where he electrocutes a whole group of them is insanely entertaining. Some of the combos are pretty straightforward while some are not. Mixing paper and alcohol to make Molotov Cocktails is pretty easy. Attaching a rake to a battery is not, and I'm not sure why I would want to tap nails onto a propane tank. My gut reaction is to throw the tank into the midst of zombies and shoot it. I'm working on the chainsaw combo. I know its supposed to be attached to something to make it a spear but I'm not sure what it is. I think a broom, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions would be helpful.