Saturday, February 7, 2009

Circuit City

So I'm back from my trip to our nearby Circuit City, and let me be the first to tell you that place deserves to die. I watched a manager at that store tell two people, one in front of the other, when asked that he didn't work at that store. He would turn away from them while doing this to hide the Circuit City logo on his shirt to help with his story. It wasn't until I stepped in front of him and requested his help that he admitted his place of employment. All that for a damn Gears of war game, which I don't even like mind you. I purchased the game simply to play with friends and for my fabulous parties. I might hold one.

I did find some great deals though sixty dollars for two two gig notebook ram. I'm not sure my computer can take such ram but it was a good deal mind you. Incidentally, that sixty dollars represented the only items of my three-hundred and one dollar purchase that I actually needed. But, they were on sale mind you. This is the reason why I don't go into electronic stores anymore.

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