Sunday, April 8, 2007


Happy Easter everyone,

I just got back from a trip down to my relatives house, and I'm extremely tired. I'm not going to go into much detail now, but it was a wonderful trip. I got to see my cousin Hayden who is adorable, and quite a handful. Nearing the age of two he is developing a love of the Thomas the Train things. Incidentally, according to Wikipedia, Hayden is actually my second cousin. The more you know. Enough about that, on to more exciting things.

I've decided to setup a website of all the stories and characters I've created over the years. I'm getting older, and soon the world will begin to swallow me before I am able to do anything with them. Pretty soon, I'll have a 8-10pm job, and all these things I created will be lost in my distant past. Like the lady Laura commented on how the CGT program at Purdue was starting to stifle her creativity, I feel life will start to take mine away, unless I make a concerted effort to maintain it.

Now upon the mention of me making something some of you might have cringed. As your muscles tensed and the hair on the back of your neck stood up you might have thought back to my "other" bastard projects. I won't hide from them, because I have nothing to be ashamed of. Sure the DVD case was kinda lopsided, and that computer blew up, and there was something about a flamboyant dwarf, but even so things came out okay. Just give me a chance; I'm much more focused this time around.

Anyway what I'm planning is ambitious, but I know I can do this. I'll fill everyone in on what I'm planning in my next post, for now I'm heading to bed. See you all tomorrow.

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