Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hey Everybody,

I'm still alive, its just been a while since I've had time to post. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time tonight so I'll make this quick. I had a really nice paycheck from the last two weeks and so I went out and splurged on an XBOX 360. Also I'm starting MBA school on Monday. How will these two things work out together, hell if I know.

The point is that now I feel that I can finally satisfied that I am on my way so to speak. For the last seven months since graduating from college I worried about my future. Right now i'm the sales manager for a retail chain selling suits and I just didn't know where I could grow in this company or beyond. Now I have some idea.

I don't know if the specialization of accounting is what I want, but I know I'll find out soon enough. So hopefully in the next year or so things will be looking brighter.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Happy Easter everyone,

I just got back from a trip down to my relatives house, and I'm extremely tired. I'm not going to go into much detail now, but it was a wonderful trip. I got to see my cousin Hayden who is adorable, and quite a handful. Nearing the age of two he is developing a love of the Thomas the Train things. Incidentally, according to Wikipedia, Hayden is actually my second cousin. The more you know. Enough about that, on to more exciting things.

I've decided to setup a website of all the stories and characters I've created over the years. I'm getting older, and soon the world will begin to swallow me before I am able to do anything with them. Pretty soon, I'll have a 8-10pm job, and all these things I created will be lost in my distant past. Like the lady Laura commented on how the CGT program at Purdue was starting to stifle her creativity, I feel life will start to take mine away, unless I make a concerted effort to maintain it.

Now upon the mention of me making something some of you might have cringed. As your muscles tensed and the hair on the back of your neck stood up you might have thought back to my "other" bastard projects. I won't hide from them, because I have nothing to be ashamed of. Sure the DVD case was kinda lopsided, and that computer blew up, and there was something about a flamboyant dwarf, but even so things came out okay. Just give me a chance; I'm much more focused this time around.

Anyway what I'm planning is ambitious, but I know I can do this. I'll fill everyone in on what I'm planning in my next post, for now I'm heading to bed. See you all tomorrow.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Last chance

Hey guys,

Some exciting news guys. For the past few years my dad has been carrying around a very special invention of his. Because, of legal mumbo-jumbo I can't go into detail about what it is he made, but rest assured its really cool. He's put a lot of hard work and effort into its creation and now it looks like it might pay off. . He just gave me the news that there are two investors who are willing to fund the creation of his invention. He has a presentation for the device in two weeks, and he wants me to help him build a prototype. I've already told him I'm going to do a lot more than that.

Ever since my Dad's stroke things have been very hard for us. We nearly lost our business from all the medical bills that developed. Even so we still had to close down our office and work from home. My Dad says he now has about a third of the business he had before his stroke. He started developing this device before he became sick, but until now has never had the chance to bring it to life. This project means a lot to my Dad, more so than most people understand.

My Mom, however, doesn't completely understand this. She's made him promise that if the investors aren't interested in funding this project he'll put it to rest once and for all. He's told me that he'll throw away all his notes and give the prototype to me with the hope that I bring it to life someday. This project means a lot to me as well my Dad, and if he can't finish it, then I will.


Hey everybody,

I've decided that to get ahead in life I've got to find a leg up somewhere. So with that in mind I've decided to hunker down and apply to get into MBA school. Yesterday I bought a Kaplan study guide, and have so far been taken as little free time as I have to dive into it. So far it look like this test is going to be a challenge.

The GMAT is definatly going to be difficult. For those who don't know this test is basically the main deciding factor for if your are going to get into an IVY league school or a tutor down the street. The test begins with two Analytical Writing Assessments-essays on assigned topics- each 30 minutes. Then you'll move on to two 75-minute multiple-choice sections: Math (Quantitative) and Verbal. Basically, this is like the SAT's with the quad damage power up. Now I'll that math problems have been tough for me, but I've always found I can overcome it in the end. The part of the test that worries me are those essays and verbal section.

I haven't gotten far enough into my study guide yet to know exactly what their looking for in the essays, but I'm kinda getting a sense of whats going on in the verbal sections. Its broken down to be just like the SAT. One section will involve you will be given a passage and asked to select the answer that either supports or dissuades the argument. The passages will get longer as the test moves on, and the questions will become more in depth. I'm more worried about the longer passages that I am the shorter sections. I had a critical thinking course in college that really opened my eyes to this sort of things. I've found I'm pretty good at it so far.

So anyway, thats whats going on with that. I haven't set a date yet for when I'm going to take the test. My gut feeling right now will be sometime in either July or August. For right now I just want to study casually while I focus on calming down the drama thats developing at my work. I can already see that I'm going to have to set a date for it at some point otherwise I may never put the effort into it that I need. Nothing like a next day test to really push away that laziness.

Anyway, some of you might be wondering what exactly I'm going to try to MBA school for and where I'm going to be going. Well, honestly, I only have an answer to one of those questions, but I'm pretty sure about the other one. I'm going for an MBA with a concentration in finance. After a year or so I'm going to try to apply for CPA license. My hope is that in a few years I'll be crunching numbers for either a large bank or a notable game publishing company. Now some of you may be surprised by what I've just said as I may not fit the description that comes to mind with you think of a certified number cruncher. Also, I don't always come off as being the brightest person you've ever met. However, I will say this. I know what its like to fail and be left behind, and I won't let that happen to myself. I have an interest in all the details that go into making a business work and I want to study it further. I'll just work as hard as I can.

Well thats it in a nutshell about whats going on with me. I've got two more posts I want to make before I'm done before I'm done for the night. So everyone stay up a little bit longer.